Be Unstoppable with the Business Class of ChatGPT
Introducing CHAT.K3.IO

Would you rather sit in the Business Class section or would you sit in Economy when you do your prompts?
you should upgrade to ChatGPT to a Business Class version!
Here are some GREAT functions we have added on top of ChatGPT!
1. Always access!

We have a backdoor to ChatGPT when ChatGPT is down for public. Yes: We will give you answers on your prompts even if ChatGPT is down and the AI just produce a poem and ask you to return back. This is a good enough reason to upgrade with a one time fee right there!
Our access and "backdoor"? It's not magic: We use the API that the OpenAI project offers, allowing the service to be accessible even if the main gate is closed. On rare occasions, this API is closed for us also, but on a ratio of 1:100. We have all seen the Come Back Soon sign all too often due to the tremendous success ChatGPT has had.

2. Valet parking

Leave and return at your convenience. Enjoy ChatGPT Business, like valet for your car, not like parking in a crowded building. We manage the backend, letting you type a prompt and revisit when you want. This means no more wasting time. Use your time to the fullest with us.
Initially, we were thrilled by ChatGTP's speedy telex prompter when it responded for a solid 15 minutes in our first trial. However, our enthusiasm waned as we began to view it as a time-draining activity with a less than satisfying user experience. Why tolerate the wait?
Our vision for ChatGTP was more like handing your car keys to the concierge at a luxurious five-star hotel. They whisk your car away while you head to your room to unwind in a bubbling jacuzzi.
Here's the mechanics: You send us prompts, and we manage the backend communication with ChatGTP. Once the task is done, a "View" button materializes, signaling that ChatGTP's complete response is at your fingertips – think of it as your car parked in valet.
With the ChatGPT Business Class solution, your productivity is supercharged by a factor of 10. The very first day you embrace it, you'll grasp its value – it's captivatingly effective. Just consult friends who've delved into it; they'll attest to its superiority over Bing or basic ChatGTP. Consider this the zenith of VIP treatment, tailor-made for those who demand and appreciate the utmost excellence.
3. Type hundreds of prompts at once.

In our upgraded ChatGPT experience, you're not limited to just one prompt at a time. Enter multiple prompts at once by separating them with commas. No more waiting between prompts – just smooth and speedy interactions!
Embark on an exciting journey with ChatGPT, revolutionizing how you interact. Bid farewell to step-by-step prompts. Our advanced backend effortlessly handles multiple queries, providing personalized responses for each.
Manage two prompts at once. Handle your day's tasks with enhanced fluidity. No more waiting between prompts – it's a game changer. Boost efficiency by 10X. Creating prompt batches is a breeze with AI assistance, delivering polished outputs ready for action.
Explore CSV file imports for larger tasks. Welcome to ChatGPT Business Class – where efficiency meets innovation. Don't settle for ordinary. Once you experience ChatGPT Business Class K3, you won't look back. Enter a realm where Business Class sets the new standard. New to Business Class? Dive in now.

4. Tag the chats

Whether you're a student, professor, customer service agent, or C-level manager, the need to label content for future retrieval is universal. ChatGPT Business Class enables this by using tags. Just as Instagram hashtags bring joy to users, K3's tags will become your trusted organizational allies.
In just two days with this upgrade, whether you're a professor, student, customer service agent, or manager, you'll amass valuable responses for various reports. As your edited Chats pile up, finding them gets trickier. Our search and filtering tools help, but tagging your ChatGPT content is key for future use across projects.
But that's not all: ChatGPT Business Class within the K3 system also lets you collaborate. Users in your team or ecosystem will share valuable prompts, enhancing your learning.
KLMS, our ChatGPT Management System, makes tagging a breeze – just like Instagram hashtags.
5. Empowering Efficiency

Once you send a prompt, we quickly offer you the chance to send more without any waiting. You can also easily edit your response right where you got the answer. No need for copy and paste shortcuts! And if that's not enough, we give you full control over our system, giving you the tools to be unstopable.
Say goodbye to the copy-paste routine of yesteryears. With K3, you're in control from the start, bypassing the unnecessary copy-pasting routine.
Steer the ship, refining responses to perfection. Once a reply lands in your KLMS system (K3), you're just one click away from editing, no more waiting or copying needed. Visual indicators distinguish between unedited, edited, and accepted text. K3 aims to be the ultimate tool for C-level executives, providing stellar service and quality.
While we don't include Grammarly in the package, if you have it, you'll quickly elevate AI-generated content to impeccable English. And for more linguistic flexibility, translations are just a click away – no more copy-pasting roadblocks.
So dive in with K3. As soon as edit mode activates, you take the reins. It's all about streamlining professional work and maximizing your efficiency. After all, ChatGPT is a powerful tool, even if it's not language-perfect (yet).
Speaking of efficiency, remember the creative slowdown while waiting for ChatGPT? Those days are gone with ChatGPT Business Class. Say farewell to disruptions – we're transforming seconds into productivity. It's like getting work done while everyone's standing in the aisle, waiting for the plane door to open.
Got a project with a multitude of questions? Let your ideas flow; bombard us with queries. Our backend handles them one by one as you write. No interruption, just pure efficiency.
Once ChatGPT's server completes its work and the bot's reply reaches our server, it's in your personal space within the KLMS Academy System. The View button shifts from grey to green, indicating it's ready for your touch. It's a game-changer that maximizes your time and productivity, all at your fingertips.

Order now!
You will not regret it.
This offer will only last for the first 250 clients. We told you this is ChatGPT Business Class. And we mean it. Not all will be able to fly Business Class. This offer will not last. It's a unique One Time Offer. For a chosen few.

$ 35
In Sweden: You can also Swish 830 SEK to 123226666
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Options to use ChatGPT services

Per user / per month
Run 1 prompts at a time
ChatGPT will give you access sometimes when the servers are not overloaded.
You will "fly lowcost airline"and thats perfectly fine for most people
You will get replies from ChatGPT like a telex machine from 1959.
You will have to copy and paste like its still 1984 with the valuable replies from ChatGPT into a word processor to continue edit and personalize the botreplies into your own needs.
If you are lucky, the ChatGPT is availible right there when you are back and want to ask more follow up questions and are curius for more.
It is still an amazing option for home sapiens that dont aim to be at the top of the ladder and still watch the news on television.

Per user / per month directly to OpenAI
Faster response
Priority accessStill access to ChatGTP when closed for public during peak hours
Only availible in United StatesWill be changed witout notice
Priority access to new features and improvments
Perfect option for people who aim to utilize the AI opportunities moreand still not yet heard about the ChatGPT Business Class K3 alternative

One-time fee for rest of 2023 with 3rd party
Multiple chats sent in one prompt including followup questions
Instant released prompt after sendin order to be able to send new prompts and tweak them without delays for 10X productivity
Listing of prompts with tagsfor instant filter access to find your, team and public edited prompts
Edit direct without copy pastefrom ChatGTP when you first see the reply from the AI bot prompt replies
Overview of unedited ChatGPT replies, your edited and moderated edits, work in progress and your approved with color codes
Edit direct without copy paste from ChatGTP when you first see the reply from the AI bot prompt replies
Export multiple prompts with one clic to after edit to a single PDF, CSV or Txt
All prompts returned with imagesin order to remember them more easy
Create courses for sale in the K3 Course Store with your edited Prompts and Materials, Tests and Surveysin order to accellerate and profit on the ChatGTP wave. And much more.

Per user / per year
Run 1 prompts at a time
ChatGPT will give you access sometimes when the servers are not overloaded.
You will "fly lowcost airline"and thats perfectly fine for most people
You will get replies from ChatGPT like a telex machine from 1959.
You will have to copy and paste like its still 1984 with the valuable replies from ChatGPT into a word processor to continue edit and personalize the botreplies into your own needs.
If you are lucky, the ChatGPT is availible right there when you are back and want to ask more follow up questions and are curius for more.

Per user / per year directly to OpenAI
Faster response
Priority accessStill access to ChatGTP when closed for public during peak hours
Only availible in United StatesWill be changed witout notice
Priority access to new features and improvments
Perfect option for people who aim to utilize the AI opportunities moreand still not yet heard about the ChatGPT Business Class K3 alternative

One-time fee for rest of 2023 with 3rd party
Multiple chats sent in one prompt including followup questions
Instant released prompt after sendin order to be able to send new prompts and tweak them without delays for 10X productivity
Listing of prompts with tagsfor instant filter access to find your, team and public edited prompts
Edit direct without copy pastefrom ChatGTP when you first see the reply from the AI bot prompt replies
Overview of unedited ChatGPT replies, your edited and moderated edits, work in progress and your approved with color codes
Edit direct without copy paste from ChatGTP when you first see the reply from the AI bot prompt replies
Export multiple prompts with one clic to after edit to a single PDF, CSV or Txt
All prompts returned with imagesin order to remember them more easy
Create courses for sale in the K3 Course Store with your edited Prompts and Materials, Tests and Surveysin order to accellerate and profit on the ChatGTP wave. And much more.
Details: Full access to the ChatGTP Business Class K3 service for 35 USD from the day of order to Dec 31, 2023. = Rest of 2023.
We only have reserved 250 spots for this offer and if this link or payment function does not work: It has ceased to exist: We have sold out. "Seats are limited". It's up to you.
Considering 100 million people in 10 weeks have joined ChatGPT; Would you fly Economy or Business Class? This is a no brainer.
Frequently Asked
If this offer seems to good to be true, please read the FAQs below.
Why would you not buy a subscription from ChatGPT directly "from the source" and not through us as a third party?
This is a valid question we would ask ourselves in your situation. The short answer: Because we have built a solution on top of the ChatGPT and added many excellent functions. (see list abobe).
It is like the airplane: It takes all passengers from A to B. Some can sleep in a bed, drink champagne and have top-notch service not available to all. Some are flying in Economy Class and are only concerned with going from A to B.
It is up to you to decide if it's worth the extra 79 USD on a one-time fee for access during 2023. Please scroll up above to view the functions. Perhaps only one of them will save you 79 USD in thirty minutes?We offer 10000 "seats" for 79 USD as an introductory offer. We will serve our clients the service if ChatGPT does not close, change its terms of service or price list for API for developers, or force major hits us.
However, we only promise to keep this ability and one-time offer that will give you access to our KLMS-based service until Dec 31, 2023. After that time, you will be able to download all your content or continue our service with a new offer.
We also have the right to limit the prompter requests to 50 per day, or if misused for any reason we see fit; we will dismiss you from the Business Class version. Hence: 10000 spots is what we offer since this service is exclusive.
We are rapidly in the change of things in 2023. So this is what the deal is about. No hidden costs. No hidden services. No auto prolonging. Just a super-great functionality to get ahead of everybody else in 2023. or K3 is a part of the learning management platform KlickData or KLMS, a brand under the Klick Data AB (publ) company based in Sweden. We have over 30 years of experience and are a public company under the rules of Swedish and European Law.
Our service is based on the premises of our clients and the long term reputation we have built as a trustful partner. We provide a wide range of service solutions. This offer comes with the ability to contact us through email, chatbots, and the internal message system supplied inside the KLMS, where you will have an account with all your prompts.
You will no longer be "flying ChatGPT Business Class K3," and technically, you cannot create, send, edit, download, or publish your prompts and the replies from ChatGTP inside the K3 system you have made.
You will, however, always have a chance to get access to the already created material for you to enjoy the results you have created for your work during the period you have been "on board" in the K3 system.
If the bot is the horse and you are the rider, you can no longer ride, but the memories (prompts) you shared will not be lost. We keep the Material and Resources in our database until you retrieve them, or we are, by law, forced to delete them.
We do not offer a free trial before purchase due to demand and this limited introduction offer. Please use ChatGTP as a regular service from OpenAI. We do offer a full refund within 14 days with no questions asked if you are unsatisfied with the ChatGPT Business Class K3 service.
Yes, you can. If you move to a plan with your own Academy, you will still have access as a user in the K3 Academy. You can easily switch between accounts in the menu. The same applies if your company, team or organization subscribes; you can have a private account in K3 for your private sphere and personal interests.
Contact us, and we will inform you about the upgrade plan for you, your team, or your enterprise. ChatGPT Business Class K3 is a part of the KLMS-based solution from Klick Data, and we offer many great upgrade alternatives that will tailor your needs.
The ChatGPT Business Class K3 offer at this site is a subscription service with a fixed amount and with a defined end date of Dec 31, 2023. You will not be forced or charged to prolong the subscription.
You might get an offer to stay for 2024 and beyond. If you like to cancel and end your subscription before the end of Dec 31, 2023, you are free to do so and we comply with GDPR.
Our regular rate for this service, compared to the K3 we now offer for the rest of 2023, is 39 USD/ month. So this is an up to 90% one-time off introduction offer.
As we said: This is a No Brainer offer and it will not be extended beyond 10000 clients.
Why? Because we aim to be the best, we can not serve all in Business Class to be able to help clients with a premium. Yes. We think we will get all 10000 clients to stay in 2024 because we will deliver massive value in ChatGPT Business Class K3.
Suppose some of you will leave: it's perfectly fine. We will then be able to sell this spot to someone else. K3 is for the chosen few who understand the power of AI at the stellar level.
If you still think this is "too good to be true"? We still will give you a 14 Day Money back guarantee. It also works both ways. If you misbehave as a client in Business Class ChatGTP: We will give you the money back, and you will not be able to join again.
This service aims at clients who fly Business Class and Private Jets and meet C-level people around the globe. We will share information in the K3 platform K3 among our clients to maximize revenues from ChatGPT.
We not only think you will like this: We know you will be staying with us.
Now that you read this far. Now, follow your instinct and decide: Pay and join. Or dismiss this offer. is owned by Klick Data AB, a public company based in Stockholm, Sweden. We have served 25000 clients, delivered over 1.6 million video tutorials, and have created K3 and KLMS learning management systems for over 30 years. Currently, we have over 460000 users registered in the K3 ecosystem, helping clients be their strategic partners in assessment and knowledge management.
AI and ChatGPT are as new to us as the rest of the World, but our expertise in getting our clients a head start has helped us get where we are today.
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